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what do you eat on a ketogenic diet ?is ketogenic (keto) diet safe ?

what do you eat on a ketogenic diet ?is ketogenic (keto) diet safe ?

ketogenic definition and what the ketogenic diet program

The ketogenic diet is one of the most famous and widespread diet in recent times to lose excess weight in a short period, and many opinions, views, and warnings revolve around it as well.

And you find there are those who praise the ketogenic diet and others who warn about it and talk about the seriousness of following it.

what do you eat on a ketogenic diet ?is ketogenic keto safe ?

 But what is the keto diet in detail? and What is  the effects of ketogenic diets  ?

This is what we will talk about in detail in addition to the benefits and harms of the keto diet in this comprehensive article of the keto diet from A to Z .. So, read on with us, dear reader.

What the keto diet in detail?

The ketogenic diet was mainly prescribed and identified for some special conditions that need a lifestyle that includes a special and specific diet, such as epilepsy and neurological disorders.

And also some cases of cancer patients, and it was noted that this diet results in a significant weight loss, so it was included under the diets for slimming and getting rid of stubborn excess fats.

The ketogenic diets  relies heavily on avoiding the carbohydrate component (low carbohydrate ketogenic) , and carbohydrates are all carbohydrates and sugars, so the average carbohydrate intake is only five percent.

ketogenic diet is a high fat content, so we find that the proportion of fat required to eat reaches seventy percent, and the average protein intake is about twenty-five percent only.

From the above, the fat low carbohydrate ketogenic diet,  we find that the keto diet forces the body to consume stored white fats and makes them in the form of ketones, which are used in the production of energy instead of extracting energy from carbohydrates.

This means: that ketogenic diets are highly fat and low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets.

Calories eaten on  ketogenic diet ?

- Dear reader - what you must realize is that in order to really achieve weight loss, you must reduce your caloric intake from your normal range.

If you follow the ketogenic diets or any system without cutting calories, no fat will be burned, so you must first reduce calories and then divide the amount of calories into high fats, medium protein and very low carbohydrates.

An example of calories on the ketogenic diet.. 

A person has 2,500 calories, If he wants to follow a ketogenic diet to lose weight, he must eat daily..
  • 208 grams per day of healthy, beneficial unsaturated fats such as olive oil and fish oil.
  • 125 grams per day of protein, whether it is animal protein such as chicken and red meat or vegan legumes such as lentils.
  • Only 30 grams of carbohydrate per day.

Allowed  ketogenic diet ?

Carbohydrate foods are allowed on the ketogenic diet
There are some foods that are somewhat low in carbohydrates that can be eaten on the ketogenic diet, including:
  1. Broccoli.
  2. Option.
  3. Beneficial vegetables such as spinach and watercress.
  4. Broccoli sprouts.
  5. the strawberry.
  6. Cranberries.

Foods that are forbidden on the ketogenic diet ?

Among the foods that are not permissible to eat on the ketogenic diet because they are rich in carbohydrate but the ketogenic diet is a very low carbohydrate  :
  • Foods with high amounts of sugar, such as: grapes, dates, melons, bananas, potatoes, sugar.
  • Food rich in starches: bread, oats, potatoes, pasta, baked goods and sweets.

Allowed protein on a ketogenic diet

As previously mentioned, the permissible amount of protein on a ketogenic diet is medium or moderate.

We find that bodybuilders and athletes who follow the diet are working to increase this percentage of protein, because their goal of following the system is to build muscle and not lose weight.

Do not worry about an increase in protein in the ketogenic diet, and foods rich in protein and fats at the same time:
  • Duck meat.
  • Sheep meat.
  • Salmon, sardines and other seafood.

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ketogenic diet meals from fats.
And because the keto diet requires you to eat a high percentage of fats per day.

 ketogenic diet is a high fat, as we mentioned, it may reach 70% of your total calories per day, and these fats are your main source of energy in this system, so you can get these fats from the following sources:
  • First: natural oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, fish oil, sunflower oil.
  • Second: It is a fruit like avocado that is rich in omega-3.
  • Third: From whole milk products such as: cream, butter, ghee, heavy fatty cheese, cream cheese, cream cheese.
  • Fourth: Nuts such as cashews, chia seeds, peanut butter, and almond butter.

What are the types of ketogenic diet ?

The ketogenic diet can be applied in three ways, depending on your goal of the system, as follows:
  1. The first type of keto diet: It is mentioned in this article and is continued without raising the rate of carbohydrates, meaning that the follower of this system continues to eat less than fifty grams of carbohydrates per day for long periods. This diet is suitable for both beginners on the keto diet, people with high type 2 diabetes, and epilepsy cases.
  2. The second type of keto diet (CKD): This type is very suitable for bodybuilders whose goal of the keto diet is to build a massive net muscle mass, and it is as follows:
  3. Regularly on the ketogenic diet for seven days, then on the eighth day a high amount of carbohydrates is consumed, and the goal is to stimulate the metabolism rate and replenish the glycogen stores in the muscles.
  4. The third type (TKD): It is suitable for players in extreme and violent sports that require high strength and strong performance during exercise, in which the player does not eat any carbohydrates throughout the day. But thirty minutes before the exercise, he consumes about fifty grams of clean, fast-absorbing carp.

effects of ketogenic ?

  • Benefits of ketogenic diet

For cases of epilepsy, diabetes-2 patients and people with cancer, it is suitable and greatly beneficial to them and helps them lose weight and reduce the symptoms of the diseases they suffer.

For healthy, healthy people, they do not need this diet and can lose weight with any other balanced diet that contains an adequate amount of carbohydrates to nourish the brain and muscles.

ketogenic diet  shows effective results at the beginning of its commitment because it stimulates the body to lose a high amount of water stored in the body's cells.

A study proved that the keto diet is involved in treating some types of headaches, which are chronic migraines.

ketogenic diet  works to regulate the rate of blood pressure.
Improves blood sugar level.

It contributes to treating depression, stress and anxiety and saves you from insomnia.

  •  The disadvantages of the keto diet

First, the keto flu occurs, and it is considered a group of carbohydrate withdrawal symptoms that appear when abstaining from carbohydrates suddenly, namely:
  1. The occurrence of cramps.
  2. Intestinal disorders between diarrhea and constipation.
  3. Nausea
  4. Nervousness.
Secondly, keto acidosis occurs due to not feeding the cells with glucose, so your body produces high amounts of ketones in the blood, up to 10 mmol per liter, and here these symptoms appear as a result of what happened:
  1. Severe abdominal pain.
  2.  shortness of breath.
  3. Vomiting
  4. Frequent urination.
  5. Severe drought and the need for water periodically.

Third, the biggest harm to this diet is that it is not guaranteed and has unknown long-term harms.

 This diet requires high care and periodic checks for kidney function, liver function, cumulative sugar and cholesterol level, or follow-up with a nutritionist periodically so as not to suffer any major damage.

People not allowed ketogenic diet.

  1. Kidney disease.
  2. People with liver disease and those with pancreatic problems.
  3. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women in any way.
  4. Not suitable for muzzles.
  5. Children are not allowed.

The summary of the above is that the ketogenic diet is a high fat and low in carbohydrates .

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